Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Here to help you!

We’re making it even easier for attendees, planners and prospect clients to reach out to us.

We understand that from time to time attendees and planners need a little extra help. Starting February 8, asking for help will be even easier. We are launching the EventInterface Help Chat feature. Attendees and planners can reach out to us from the chat icon with any questions and problems, and a helpful Member Services team member will jump in to help out. We’re also launching a chat option for prospect clients to ask questions before they buy. A new chat function will float near the bottom of the EventInterface home page.

The feature will be launched initially at system peak times and availability will increase in the coming months. Just look for the chat icons pictured below on our website. They will show up when Help Chat is live.

At EventInterface we continue to add new features to make managing or attending an event or meeting an absolute success. Visit us at EventInterface.com